GoInternet Appointment of Authorised Representative

In line with the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code 2012, you can appoint an
Authorised Representative or Advocate to make a complaint on your behalf.

Authorised Representative

You can appoint an Authorised Representative to act on your behalf, if you require.
Where an Authorised Representative is appointed they have the power to act on your
behalf as if they are you or, if the Authorised Representative has more limited rights, the
level of access that the Authorised Representative has to the information held with

Authorised Advocate

You can use an Advocate to communicate with GoInternet, if you require.
Where an Advocate is appointed, in line with the Code they not authorised to establish or
make changes to your account or Telecommunications Services, unless the Advocate is
also your Authorised Representative.
Where a person is acting as your Advocate they have no power to act on your behalf and
has no access to their information without you being present and agreeing to such action.

Download our Appointment of Authorised Representative or Advocate Form.
Download form here